Teaching Aint For The Weak.


Last year I had the unique opportunity to be a History Teacher. It changed my life.

I wrote the following post in 2019 when the school year was coming to an end.


As I sit here writing quarter 3 report card comments for my 7th and 8th grade students, I slowly start to notice that I have all the feels right now…

p crying

I remember when I first started working at an independent school thinking… “Girl, what are you doing here? You don’t fit, how will you connect with these kids, let alone faculty and staff…?” because surely you need to have something in common to build relationships with people and I just felt different. And for a long time I felt guilty.

On days that were more challenging I said to myself, “Mm hmm! That’s what happens when you choose to work somewhere that doesn’t look like you, that doesn’t value you, and can’t possibly benefit from your mere presence.”

I was so wrong.

After 3 whole years of working in independent schools I can say with all conviction, NO. Private independent schools do not look like us– however, we are necessary, we are valuable, and we are blessings to these institutions and the students & families they serve.

Say it with me… “I am necessary. I am valuable. I am a blessing. PERIOD.


There are countless memories that cross my mind of times when I “put my kids on game” from black hair to Black History, but they too have put Ms. Lauture on game. As I make my way to the end of my 1st official year of teaching, I can honestly say that I have grown tremendously both personally and professionally and much of that has to do with my students. Their unwavering trust in me helped me show up in ways I never thought I could.

Taking the time to write about each individual student’s progress and character makes my heart smile, knowing this is an extension of the work we’ve done together, the growth we’ve experienced together.

I got teary-eyed ya’ll and that’s not easy for a G like me… but, your students will do it to ya won’t they.


I hope you understand me <3.

In empowerment & appreciation,

Sarah Lauture, @sasalafleur

New Garden to Grow.

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“Wherever life plants you, bloom with grace.”

Well, life has planted me in many places, and I’ve grown from each of them. In the last 4 years I have resided in Maryland, Massachusetts, and my home state, Connecticut. This year I have added my latest locus of proliferation, and that is Nashville, Tennessee.

Yes, I live in Nashville ya’ll.

I never once doubted God’s plan for my life. Not once. But I will say that there was a true wrestling period for me. I wrestled between listening to God + surrendering to His plans, and of course… my own desire to be the Master of my own fate. What I quickly realized is that whenever you place that kind of pressure on yourself, if the result is failure, you are left feeling depleted, worthless, disappointed, and well… straight up STOOPID. The purpose of leaning on God and trusting in His plan is not to have someone to blame when things go wrong, but to remember that there are things that are far beyond our human control– some things we weren’t made to bare on our own– some things that transpire only for God to see how much trust we have IN Him to truly “cast our cares ON Him” (1 Peter 5:7).

Last year (2018), I thought I had it all figured out. I had a potential job opportunity back in Baltimore and if you know me… you know I LOVE B’MORE. I lived in Maryland for a little over a year while attending graduate school at Johns Hopkins and I had every intention on staying in the DMV area. My year in MD was transformative.

trans·​for·​ma·​tive causing or able to cause an important and lasting change in someone or something / / transformative experience

I’ma take ya’ll back into time real quick…


June 1st 2016, I started my first day of graduate school. 21 years old, fresh out of undergrad– I had no idea what I was in for. The School Counseling Fellows 6th year program made me engage in deep introspection–Who am I? What do I believe? Why do I believe it? How does it manifest in my life? Where do I belong? It was also the first time I was away from my immediate family and living independently. I needed that. Fast forward to July and I graduate from Hopkins…  click here to watch my graduation speech. 

Following Hopkins I spent 2 years working at a private, independent day school in Connecticut. And while presented with a plethora of opportunities, I still wasn’t fulfilled. I wanted to be a Counselor!!! Like HELLO!? Can I use my degree already? … so I started job searching again.

Aiight, so remember that potential job opportunity in Baltimore???? Yeah, it all sounded REAL good, and to add to that, I was suddenly offered a job in Boston at the same time! I felt like I was on top of the world and I was finally reaping what I had sown. However, due to my deep desire to move back to Baltimore, I actually let go of the official offer that I’d imagesgotten in Boston in hopes that this job in B’more was mine. It just made sense! This was a place where I interned during grad school AND I was the reference for one of their amazing employees. Not to mention how they swore by the fact that I was their “top candidate.” Workplace Lesson 101: Never jump ship until you know that you’ve securely fastened your life jacket well enough to stay afloat (quote me on that, that was straight off the top!)

Sadly, the odds were not in my favor. I received an email one early Monday morning telling me they went with someone who had more experience.

–Yo, if I heard that ONE. MORE. TIME.

I was paralyzed. I looked at that email, and instantly became tearful. I wasn’t sad though. I was pissed. I was pissed that I set my sights on something that seemed so clear to me, it felt so right! I was even talking to a potential roommate and looking into town-homes, I was ALL IN YA’LL. And just like that, I was all OUT of favor –> and a damn job… WOOOWWWW!! Immediately I sent an email to the job in Boston asking if they would reconsider my application. One of the hardest things I ever had to do. I felt like I was crawling back to beg for something that was already mine. I sent the email and shut my laptop.

I didn’t speak for 2 days. Shutdown mode on 10.

logoAfter sharing with my family what had happened, I went cold. All I kept hearing for 2 days straight was “you blew it, you look stupid, you did this to yourself, YOU, YOU, YOU.” HEAVY! But after those 2 days passed, something happened. There was a spark within me. In retrospect, it was the Holy Spirit that interceded (Romans 8:26-27). You know when you’re like, “I just had a feeling… or something clicked for me” –> that feeling? that click? Is the Holy Spirit. 2 days of moping around and nothing to show for it. I lacked grace for myself and I lacked faith in God. So I made a choice and that choice was to see the lesson in the L. When you try to walk ahead of God, He lets you! Nevertheless, there are obstacles that you will encounter that cannot be overcome by human power alone and quickly you realize that you can only “do ALL THINGS through CHRIST who strengthens you” (Philippians 4:13).

At this point, I was exhausted. I made enough of my own decisions and decided to lean on His understanding instead on my own (Proverbs 3:5-6). Mid-July 2018 I got a call back from the job in Boston… they still wanted me to join their faculty and I had a little over 2 weeks to relocate from Connecticut to Massachusetts, and I did (shout out to my family!! UGH ya’ll are the best movers ever in life).

This move to Boston would become my year of transfiguration.

trans·​fig·​u·​ra·​tion : a change in form or appearance : metamorphosis, an exalting, glorifying, or spiritual change

6-grunge-cross-1In this season, I was fervently searching for a deeper relationship with God. I do not take any of my blessings for granted and after walking in faith, I knew I had to surrender my life 100%. I joined the Worship Team, Choir, and started to build community at church (Jubilee Boston WUSSUP!!!). I was still very involved and connected to my Pinky Promise sisters and they held me up in spirit and in truth. I spent time investing into the only thing I knew would be reciprocal tenfold. On October 27th, 2018, I got baptized at my home church in Stamford, CT. This was an outward demonstration of the inward transfiguration that had occurred. I said yes to Christ 100%.

3 days after my baptism I flew out to Nashville, TN for a work conference. During this time I had already been in the job search process because my current position was only contracted for 1 year. Ironically, a recruiter from KIPP Nashville reached out to me a few weeks prior to my arrival in Nashville and asked if I was interested in a Founding School Counselor position. I told her I would be in the city for a conference and wouldn’t mind stopping by to visit the school. Touchdown in Nashville and I visit the school– and as you can imagine it went great! As soon as I returned home, I submitted my application for the position. In December, I was asked to fly out to Nashville for an in-person interview in January 2019.

bunFast forward, I get in and interview… honestly ya’ll at this point, I had done SO many interviews it was the most relaxing process ever– not to mention the awesome people I met along the way (like the really cool uber drivers who assured that I would like it here if I got the job… yeah we chopped it up). It’s January 17th, 2019 and I’m back in Boston driving home from work when I get an incoming call from TN! My initial thought? —alllrriighhtt, here goes the “thank you for your time but we’ve gone with someone with more experience” line… but I was surprisingly mistaken. They wanted me to join their Founding team and be the person to build their School Counseling Program. Ya’ll know I fell ALL the way out!!! After a week of prayer and sleeping on it, I accepted the position. On June 22nd, 2019, my mother, sister, and I hit the road. We stopped at my brother’s house in Charlotte first, then drove another 6 hours to my place here in Tennessee.

Important to note: I am cognizant of the fact that I put serious work in to get to where I am, but I am also very aware of the fact that this was not by my might alone (Zechariah 4:6).

“Wherever life plants you, bloom with grace.”

When I read this quote I am reminded of the places that I was once planted and how much I have bloomed over time– and yet, I never stayed long enough to establish any deep roots. For 4 years, I have been uprooted from places where I planted seeds, but never got a chance to fully see my garden grow. What gives me peace in this though, is knowing that I have never left unfinished fields in the hands of unfit stewards (naahhh, seriously quote meeee!!!).

I genuinely believe that Nashville is where I will finally get a chance to be present long enough to see the fruit of my labor (God willing).

Every place and space that I have occupied has left an indelible mark in my heart and lead me towards my purpose. God was intentional about that, and thus I vow to be intentional about my handiwork here in this New Garden of Growth.


Shout out to my sister-in-love for this dope shot… love you Nan.

Starting 5, Look Alive!

Radiant Child

2017 Randolph Caldecott Medal Winner and the Coretta Scott King Illustrator Award

By: Javanka Steptoe

“And at his most important shows, above all the critics, fans, and artists he admires, the place of honor is his mother’s, a queen on a throne.”

RadiantA beautiful and inspiring story of the life of Jean-Michel Basquiat a legendary artist from Brooklyn, New York who inspired generations of artists that came after him. One thing I find to be amazing about this book is how the Javanka interprets Basquiat’s work in this book, as none of it is Basquiat’s original artwork. In the foreword Javanka encourages his readers to create their own art by collecting materials from people and places in their environment. This story is very informational and highlights important aspects in the complex life of Jean-Michel. Mental illness is also touched on in this book as Basquiat’s mother suffered from it; Javanka says, “I also wanted young readers and the adults in their lives to be able to use Basquiat’s story as a catalyst for conversation and healing.” Nonetheless, this book serves as a powerful tool to encourage children to color/draw/paint imperfectly, because the real magic is found beyond the lines of perfection.

my people

2010 Coretta Scott King Illustrator Award

By: Langston Hughes

Photographs by: Charles R. Smith Jr.

PeopleAhh!! This book is brilliant and was simply a joy to read… and look at! Photographer, Charles R. Smith found this original poem written by Langston and decided to bring its words to life. And he DID THAT! What I love so much about this book is that it shows black people of all different shades, features, ages etc. demonstrating to all that while we stand collectively, there are a number of things that make us unique to one another. In the photographer’s notes at the end of the book he talks about his inspiration for creating the book and how he made his decisions. Charles says something that is very important and that was, “Only black people would be in the book, since they are who Langston celebrated. His words were not meant to dismiss other races; just to celebrate his own.” This a very important concept we should teach our children as early as possible and one we should remember as we continue through life.

Visiting Langston

By: Willie Perdomo

Illustrated By Caldecott Honoree: Bryan Collier

“He can tell you why my 

Dreams run wild

Why Daddy says I’m like

Langston’s genius child.”

VisitingNow I have to confess, I found and read this book more for me personally than anyone else. Haha! I am a lover of all things Langston Hughes and I saw a lot of myself in this little girl. This book is a tale of a Harlem girl who visits Langston’s home with her father, she too, is a poet. She talks about who Langston was and raves about her special trip to his house. First of all, I need to visit Langston’s house now! And second, I think this was a great way  to connect an American cultural hero to the youth of today.  While Langston lived during times of heartache and pain, he still created a number of masterpieces (novels, children’s stories, lyrics for musicals, plays etc.) exhibiting his hopes for a better tomorrow. This is a beautiful and inspiring book for both children and adults.


By: Useni Eugene Perkins

Illustrated By Caldecott Honoree: Bryan Collier

“Hey Black Child… Do you know you can learn

What you want to learn

If you try to learn What you


Black ChildThis book is calls out every Black child and asks them very important questions… questions that I feel a lot of people forget to actually ask black children regularly. This book is a reminder not only to the Black child, but to everyone who reads it, that you can do anything you imagine. We are not predisposed to stupidity (that is not funny – it is offensive & I’ve witnessed people laugh when that was said), we are not less than, we are not less capable, WE. ARE. NOT. LESS. This book is saying exactly this using other words and it charges the upcoming generations to aspire to take on leadership positions to positively impact our nation.

CROWN: An Ode To The Fresh Cut

By: Derrick Barnes

Illustrated By: Gordon C. James

“You know why? Because you’ll leave out of “the shop” every single time, feeling the same exact way… Magnificent. Flawless. Like royalty. Hello, world…”

CROWNListennnnnnn, if you have or know a young boy who knows how DOPE it is to get a FRESH CUT! This is the book you NEED. It truly captures the essence of “Black Boy Joy” and the emotions that come from getting a fresh hair cut at your local barbershop. It warmed my heart to also see different hair types depicted in the book — locks, braids, low cut, fade… even a woman with a tapered side (like I used to have) man oh man! I smiled as I read this, because it’s exactly what our little ones need to feel their very best! With or without a haircut, this book shares with the world a very special experience, that words have not been able to describe, in such an impeccable way.